Well...here is my so-called "report" from summer festival.
I said it'll be last one where I do my presentation.
I usually make ones about music.
This year I even spoke with one of higher organisators.
And he told me that they got really good echo about my presentations.
And they'll like to have me there even next year.
After four years finally some thanks from orgs.
I nearly cried...really.
( ´∀`)
My second presentation - VK styles 2nd part |
So let's see what next year bring.
I told them I wanna move out of country,
but still...everything is open.
But true is I really enjoyed this year.
Mostly thanks to my friends.
On other side even thanks to people I met.
I got this at first day~ Feel like a VK rocker |
But first day just presentation.
My mood wasn't really good beause of organisation things and so.
Even then my friend asked me to move out from his flat.
Aww...such a bad day.
(_ _|||)
So next day I came all girly.
Me with the Ironman~ |
And the rest of day I spend with Golden Bomber~
I love those cosplayers~
Kyan, Kenji and me~ |
And we pretend I'm Kaya.
So I was all flirty to Kenji~
And we went to date~ ♡
Date with Kenji~ |
Kyaaaan~ ♡ |
Kiryu Sho~ ♡ |
But Kenji still looking for the maid there
Me and Kenji with Borat suit guy |
And we met guy with the Borat swimsuit (lol)
I totally adored the way these bunnies handing~ |
And there was so many stands with cute plushies~
My Kaya Drawing~ |
And Kiryu Sho's GB drawing |
And I think the rest of days will be in different post~
So much photos from those days~
Look forward next time~