Friday, February 28, 2014

Brace yourself!

Friends are hard bussines
You don't believe?

Lately they don't make it way easier.
But probably I'm one on blame.
Yes yes definitely.
My fault.

Sometimes I just wanna chat with someone.
Just chat and don't need to search deep in what the hell I want from you.
Isn't it? just see person who you need to help?
Why when you already left me?

Okay...before I wanted to write some longer post.
About few today's errors.

Today started very nice,
beautiful morning, fresh air, nice weather.

End with deleting and blocking one of my kinda old friend.
...some people should learn when to stop.
Maybe it's even my case.
If it's I believe there will come time when I'll find out as well.

But the last few minutes forced me kinda change my opinion.
Into write everything I want.

But still I wanna say.
Sometimes dealing with friends are hard.
You try to meet with them, but they don't have time.
You try to make them happy with some present on Bday or Xmas.
One my friend say me for last year and half.
"I'm sorry I still owe you present for last Xmas. I'll buy you something bigger..."
I don't want a bigger present...I'll be okay with some small stupid thing.
But not promise something for forever.
I don't believe in "Next time" so much.

And now, when you move 300km away.
"I'll come visit you."
Yes...I wanna believe but...
You never visit me those two years when I lived closer.
Surely you'll do now.

For calling myself egoist and evil,
I try to care about my friend.
I still don't know what I do wrong.
Maybe it's all wrong.
But I never tried to push them so...

My other friend I like very much,
she was able to come from different country to see me.
Another one will now come after world travelling.
And some from France wanna come too when time will be free.
So why you wasn't able to come throught one city?

My french friend gave me place to stay in different country.
Offered me great help.
Share secrets with me.
Believe in me.
You maybe promised me the same,
But when I need you give me hand to help
for stupid five minutes, you rather went with person who hates me.
When you got hour or two time.

Getting you see guitarist you adore without makeup.
Yet you took me the only thing I wanted.
Don't even try to think about.
Thank you.
It's not about that stupid paper.
It's about our friendship and your promises.

Now writing this...
I realized I need to talk to you.
Say you what you don't see.

I wasn't always nicest.
I made fun of you.
But last time when you meet some my other friends, you both went against me.
And yes I puled your hair last time...but you really p*ssed me off with that
"Give up/angry* attitude when I promised to tried hard.
To give you everything you wanted.
Did you realized?


And by the way.
You're the reason why I hate him.

Hey guys~
Good night  (^o^)/

Monday, February 24, 2014

Please read and leave comment~

Hello again~

I have something important to say.
Well kinda important.

Let's face it...
Both of us know that I'm not any blog celeb.
I don't even wanna be.
I'm not famous cosplayer,
makeup artist,
nor fashion blogger.

Yet I'm partly everything.
Just partly.
I see myself more like person which is into music.
Which in visual kei can mean also costumes.

And maybe you noticed or not,
but costumes are something which interest me a lot.

Theatre, iceskating, music...
I found myself really looks for costumes so much lately.

I should say that in real life
lately people find me mean, even evil.
Even that lot of my friends and people I met lately
find me nice and cute.

For me being mean and evil is more natural.
People who can like me even with this
will never be surprised later.

Thus I should say I don't think
I'll never betray someone
who I find my friend and stab him from behind.

I find myself unique.
Why not, I'm Egoist at all.
But as well I know that not everyone cares
and that there are other unique people,
maybe more interesting than me.

 And still if there are people
who read this blog more than one time's accidentaly,
this going to them.

Is there something you want to see here more or more often?

Yes most simple answer should be "posts"
But now let's talk about label or theme.
And remember I don't promise everything.

And one more thing, please don't write Ego.
Thing is I want to have here some post keeping the name alive,
BUT...this not gonna be my diary, 
don't count with that please.

I hope to get some echo from you~
:*:・( ̄∀ ̄)・:*:

Sunday, February 23, 2014


Somehow I finally got myself to see Wing Works PV

And I have to say:
AWESOME! really...I like them.

Maybe it's because of all of that silver...
Or in VAD†MAN case with the theme.
Cannot be helped.
I just like this military-like styling.

You can think what ever you want about me.
I'm just kinda obsessed by the uniforms.
Especially SS uniforms.

Some people may think I'm nazi or something.
No...I just like them from fashion point.
Not for what they mean.

It's very different.

I have to say that even liking WWII uniforms,
and like to watch document's about...
I don't know so many facts about.
I admit.
Somehow I didn't pay attention in school.

Unlike my younger sister don't even know Pearl Harbor date.
But let's face it...she's Pearl Harbor freak.
And US freak. lol

But maybe it's time to visit library, no?
( ̄▽+ ̄*)

Btw VAD†MAN is second PV.
Better start from シルヴァー

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Wasted day

Hello my dears

Last days are just so-so...*sigh*
I don't know what else to say.

Not really good and not really bad.

For tomorrow's Valentine's day
I gonna be in work.

Today I wanted to do more things, but..
This time, not my fault.


I hope you can see more posts soon

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Yuki ☆

Uhm...don't know what to say...

Okay...I should apologize.
You should still hope everything gonna be better.

Anyway...I'm going to post some photos
from our little Warsaw trip for Jupiter!
 But not now.

I'm tired.
I wanna go sleep.
But before I drew a little.

I decided to do portrait.
Even that I didn't draw such a thing for while,
it didn't end up really bad.
I like it really.
And didn't even take me off so much time.

So...what do you think?
It's Yuki from Jupiter.
Just drew him because my friend like him.
And he's very nice person I think. (*≧▽≦)

Good night