Friday, January 23, 2015


Still waiting for some post and reading this blog?'s hard to get rid of you right? (jk)
Well, in the end I decided
to not stop writting.
At least not now.
Who's surprised?
(Yeah I know you're not really)

During some things and changes in my life,
I think this blog should also change.
At least little.
I started with lolita again recently.
And I kinda like it.
So this blog gonna be piiiiink~
And sparkling~
And full of ribbons, roses, pearls and diamonds~

*Enjoy image of Kaori's freaked face hehe*

Not really.
But maybe I'll think about little change about design.
(Even that I so love "my" chandeliers)
I'm still not sure which way.
But I already have idea about name of blog.
Of course "Visual Egoist" gonna stay.
I went through many things for this name,
and even with minor changes it still can fit.

I should say my idea...or better not.
Maybe you should wait till I make it official.
(Originally I wanted to wrote it here, but now
I changed my mind lol)

So I hope I'll finally do all the things
I set myself to do in "real" life,
and then can start changes now.

Wish you nice weekend!


Tuesday, January 13, 2015

How about...end?

I'm slowly thinking about one thing.
How about end this blog.
Yeah Kaori always says like:
"You should be happy (about me) since
at least someone read your blog."

I know (I HOPE) she's just teasing me.
Well...but let's admit it.
My English sucks.
My English sucks pretty much.

I think it's legit reason no?

Think about it...

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Last year resolution

Fact x Fiction

As I wrote here my new years resolutions
last year, let's check if I even tried 
to fullfill them.

So what I wrote and how it was:

☆ I promise to be still same Egoist!
(maybe even worse)
I think I wasn't really bad in it!
✞ I'll try to become more arrogant to the people
who does not deserve speak normally with me.
(even that's is hard since I'm home or work =__=")
Except my work I think I was...
☆ I'll try to post more (at least slightly) and don't be late.
(with posting )
If you check it out you see that one month
I got 7 posts!
(but still 18 post less than last year =___=")

✞ I'll make at least one whole cosplay.
Behold and cry!
Lui from Ludwig Kakumei
(I got nails but they fell off! =__=") 

☆ I'll work more on art-related things.
(Drawing, bass, sewing) sewing one dress count?
But I got few mini comix!
✞ I'll read more.
Proudly I should say, I did!
☆ I'll work on my language abilities.
I tried to improve my English and Japanese.
✞ I'll be less lazy.
Not really...
☆ I'll take better care about my hair.
 I'm not sure if bleaching them
more blond counts Oo"
I'll learn something new.
I don't remember now...really!
☆ I'll learn more about fairytales and less about angels.
(Original fairytales. At least they're not about only one religion) about...No?!
I'll try to not make much more enemies.
(I have enought)
Well...I think Hime hates me now. Oxo
I'll try to not make so much new useless friends.
(I have enought as well)
I think I was successful with this one!
I'll make my pigg life Lv. 100.
(just 30 levels~) was beyond my powers.
I got lvl
☆ I'll get better care about my body.
(This doesn't mean sport will be involved!!!)
I should say...kind of.
✞ I'll lose some weight and gain some muscles.
(What?! There should be something traditional.)
Not really.
☆ I'll get to the super secret mission with my precious friend.
Still stucked on start kind of.
✞ I'll try to not fall in love.
(Let's admit, it's useless, take your time, money, energy and nerves)
(Have nothing to do with my ex-Hime!)
(Unless all my conditions will be done.)
(Weee~ll under some circumstances...)
TOTALLY NOT DONE!'s under all circumstances at all.
And I didn't fell in love really.
☆ I'll get some new aristo platform boots.
No. (not for me)
But I got RHS.
...and more wigs!
☆ I'll try to go out more.
Even that I don't have anyone to go with.
I tried, but I found out my real life doesn't exist.
Thanks to my work and family.
✞ I'll have fun this year!!!
I GOT!!!

I think that it wasn't that bad in the end.
But I'm also not sure if I wanna give myself
some resolutions.
More...I don't want to think over it.
Definitelly not now.
My head is

So...I guess...
see you next time! 


Friday, January 2, 2015

Happy new year! (Late as last year~)

I wanna wish you Happy new year!
I think I'll make tradition out of it.
Wishing people happy new year
on my blog every 2nd January.

I think I wanna wish you the same like last year.
It's just ultimate.


I wanna Wish you the very very succesfull year!!!
(if you're not my enemy...)
Health is very important, if not love then at least friends.
And money are also very handy.
On top of it, may at least one of your great wishes come true this year!

And litle bit to add:

And never give up your dreams!

For me myself, past year 2014
wasn't so bad.

Yeah, I lost some friends.
Lot of people p*ssed me for reason.
But I also gained some new friends.
And even deepen bonds with my
already good friends.
I was fired from my work,
but also got opportunity to get better life.

I believe every year is about
getting more possitive things than negative,
or at least equal.

I went into this year with hopes of something better.
Not waiting for it being given,
I more believe that I can get it by myself.
So let's see.

Of course it may end totally different,
maybe even bad.
But also even better.
That's life.

Let's make this year unforgetable!!!

Good night