Fact x Fiction
As I wrote here my new years resolutions
last year, let's check if I even tried
to fullfill them.
So what I wrote and how it was:
☆ I promise to be still same Egoist!
(maybe even worse)
I think I wasn't really bad in it!
✞ I'll try to become more arrogant to the people
who does not deserve speak normally with me.
(even that's is hard since I'm home or work =__=")
Except my work I think I was...
☆ I'll try to post more (at least slightly) and don't be late.
(with posting )
If you check it out you see that one month
I got 7 posts!
(but still 18 post less than last year =___=")
✞ I'll make at least one whole cosplay.
Behold and cry!
Lui from Ludwig Kakumei
(I got nails but they fell off! =__=")
☆ I'll work more on art-related things.
(Drawing, bass, sewing)
Uuuuhm...do sewing one dress count?
But I got few mini comix!
✞ I'll read more.
Proudly I should say, I did!
☆ I'll work on my language abilities.
I tried to improve my English and Japanese.
✞ I'll be less lazy.
Not really...
☆ I'll take better care about my hair.
I'm not sure if bleaching them
more blond counts Oo"
✞ I'll learn something new.
I don't remember now...really!
☆ I'll learn more about fairytales and less about angels.
(Original fairytales. At least they're not about only one religion)
Uuuuhm...how about...No?!
✞ I'll try to not make much more enemies.
(I have enought)
Well...I think Hime hates me now. Oxo
☆ I'll try to not make so much new useless friends.
(I have enought as well)
I think I was successful with this one!
✞ I'll make my pigg life Lv. 100.
(just 30 levels~)
Unfortunatelly...it was beyond my powers.
I got lvl 90...today.
☆ I'll get better care about my body.
(This doesn't mean sport will be involved!!!)
I should say...kind of.
✞ I'll lose some weight and gain some muscles.
(What?! There should be something traditional.)
Not really.
☆ I'll get to the super secret mission with my precious friend.
Still stucked on start kind of.
✞ I'll try to not fall in love.
(Let's admit, it's useless, take your time, money, energy and nerves)
(Have nothing to do with my ex-Hime!)
(Unless all my conditions will be done.)
(Weee~ll under some circumstances...)
Well...it's under all circumstances at all.
And I didn't fell in love really.
☆ I'll get some new aristo platform boots.
No. (not for me)
But I got RHS.
✞ ...and more wigs!
☆ I'll try to go out more.
Even that I don't have anyone to go with.
I tried, but I found out my real life doesn't exist.
Thanks to my work and family.
✞ I'll have fun this year!!!
I GOT!!!
I think that it wasn't that bad in the end.
But I'm also not sure if I wanna give myself
some resolutions.
More...I don't want to think over it.
Definitelly not now.
My head is done...lol
So...I guess...
see you next time!