Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Caffe now

Sitting in caffe all alone now.
Drinking latté, eating home made banana cake, listening Satsuki's Luminous and watching rain outside.

Just me alone.

I start to thing alone it's best.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Louis - Finished!

Here I'm giving you finished version of Louis~

Sure, so this is final version.
But I still think it's interesting watch the making process, don't you think?

 So this is sketch by pencil before gel lining

Lineart by just black gel pen
I like gel pens

Start to coloring by crayons in more layers
And even pattern on his coat (O.o")
And feathers~
And golden decors...

Haha...Louis~ _| ̄|○

 And then...
...I was thinking about color of roses.
I wasn't sure about roses and background~

 And close up!
I really love this picture!

ラブ v(* ̄▽ ̄*)〃▽〃)ラブ

And now the finished version in my tumbler mug!

And refference here~

Sakura falling, yasmine will blow~

I finished Louis picture earlier today
Well yesterday~

I just stucked here listening Sakura, falling.
I just wanted to check it, since I downloaded video
(with my poor internet ;.;)

I saw Sakura, chiru by Gackt before
And it was beautiful.
And having chance to see english lyrics
of Yohio's version gave me...
How to say it?
Strange, nostalgic and lovely feeling.

So many memories and words brought up by it.
And somehow I'm kinda thankful.

Thus there is no sakura blooming anymore.
The season of yasmine blooming will come.
I love the smell.

Yasmine is full of hope.
I always had so much strenght and faith smell jasmine blossoms.
It's hard to get know why and...
I think that's ok if only I know it.

I'll wait for yasminE
One day it'll come
Since it can't last that long for me to give up

But listening the song
Reading the lyrics
Singing the song
Make me see image in my mind.

Image which was too strong to ignore it.
I had to draw
And it's not perfect
And it's not like I imaged it

But I'm kinda satisfied with it.
See this makes me happy.

Once I wrote
"I'm searching the sound of Morning"
Now I think 
This was pretty close.

This may be seen as a scribble.
With just black ball pen and red marker.
But this picture have deep meaning for me.
Hiding lot of me.
So please don't judge it too rush.

And it's even first time I tried this technique
I mean at least lil bit sucessfully.
If you look for detail~

And here is that song for you.
Wish you nice morning~


Thursday, June 13, 2013


For now I draw a little...
I wanted to make some cover art for tumbler mug
I have one from Starbucks where I can put a picture~

And I already want to do it for while.
For now there is Asagi printed picture.

New design somehow turned into Master

Don't know how...
Don't ask me! (lol)

Here is a little WIP

So for now it's all.

I hope I'll finish this soon
Today is beautiful outside 
I want to go draw or play bass outside for while~

Bye Bye for now

Tuesday, June 11, 2013


...I'm depressed.

Because of many reasons.
And lot of them are silly.
And lot of them are me.

Nothing helping now.
But I think about take warm bath.
Nice idea I think.

Ok...it's 3am
But who cares.

I'm sorry for neglecting my blog again.
I still want to write but sometimes I end with
"And about what?"

To tell the true.
I don't feel like I'm interesting enought to have a blog.
But who cares!
I'm Egoist...
Hell yeah~

Satsuki comming soon.
I'm depressed.
Without Ena.
I'm depressed.
Kaya's going to Nederland.
I feel really depressed.
And I know secret
Which makes me totally depressed.

Oh cool.

I think I originally became depressed
Because of finding Jupiter release their album same date as Kamijo.
I don't know if it was totally like this but
I don't find it really friendly.

Maybe I'm too over since it's Kamijo.
I don't know why I started to look up to him so much.
Before I already knew my friend loved him so I don't care about him.
I just liked his voice and Versailles of course.

But now I care about Kamijo so much.
He's cool.
And it started just like a stupid roleplay~ (>__<)
But he's master now.

Ok...I think I should go sleep.

But I'll take bath first.
My stupid tetter itch so much.
And I'm hungry.
I run out of milk.
Lately finding it's my biggest problem.
Not run out of food, but run out of milk.

My priorities are weird~

I'm weird at all

I was out today.
For some info about going for Satsuki with friend.
It was kinda fun.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Master is back~

 Haha...He called himself Master!
But everyone believed it!!!
Oh my god...lucky bas-

But his costume for Louis his totally awesome!!!
I'll follow him everywhere.

Hehehe~ >:D

It's just perfect...I don't know what to say more.
So...I'm quiet now Oxo
Enjoy the Trailler!


Tuesday, June 4, 2013


Hello guys ~
I'm working in mom's caffe again
Since thanks to floods I wasn't able to come back so I stayed home.
Some more money for Satsuki's concert (^.^)

It was raining terribly at morning.
But now it looks better.

I'll write a weekend post later
And something about floods maybe ~
Just some photos or so
Since even if it's floods they're beautiful
(photos not floods)

So bye for now

Btw Stalker-chan you're ok, right? (O.o)"