Friday, June 14, 2013

Louis - Finished!

Here I'm giving you finished version of Louis~

Sure, so this is final version.
But I still think it's interesting watch the making process, don't you think?

 So this is sketch by pencil before gel lining

Lineart by just black gel pen
I like gel pens

Start to coloring by crayons in more layers
And even pattern on his coat (O.o")
And feathers~
And golden decors...

Haha...Louis~ _| ̄|○

 And then...
...I was thinking about color of roses.
I wasn't sure about roses and background~

 And close up!
I really love this picture!

ラブ v(* ̄▽ ̄*)〃▽〃)ラブ

And now the finished version in my tumbler mug!

And refference here~


  1. wow! I looooooove that Louis picture! It must have taken you forever to do that! The detail is amazing! :3


    1. Thank you very much! (^o^)/
      Not so much...I'm used to do detailes like it.
      I like it! <3

      And thank you for following!
