You maybe already noticed the little thing in labels.
Or maybe not...
It's still in labels only even that I plan
to apply it even on visual part a little bit.
What I talk about now are labels:
Princess version
Prince version
If you don't get it from title,
I'll explain:
Princess version
Mainly about lolita which I got back into.
Then about fashion, probably sewing...etc.
So let's say more "girly" things.
My girl side.
Prince version
Is logicaly the opposite.
More music, more games (?), more cosplay (?)
And maybe even some fashion as lord or more
my slightly/casual vk fashion style.
I decided to start to use these two labels
since 2015 only.
So most probably I'm not gonna
add these labels to years before.
They wasn't needed then,
that's why they exists from now not from before.
If you as about those two question marks at
games and cosplays...
I set it as example.
I'm not sure how far I gonna do with these labels
in next weeks/months/year.
Now about the challenge!
When there is lolita challenge...why not add some music related then?!
So I googled a little and found this one.
Now as I check's pretty easy...pfff...
I mean lolita have about 10 things, and this only one?
I simply love number 4!
You can tell...
But somewhere I want to write higher number ;A;
Somewhere (at upper part) I wanted to write 4
even to places it didn't belong, just for trolling lol
(Example: Day 10 - How you 4 first got into VK.)
(Okay..I know...not so funny ;A;)
And if you checked the link
and ask me if I have to do stylistic changes...
Yes...I had!!! °___°
This challenge also mean one thing.
Because of doing two challenges at once,
there will not be two of them at one day.
Sinply there will be one day lolita
and other day visual kei.
I think it's legit.
So please!
Look forward this challenge, and got patience with me~
~)ノ~~ ジャネ
I'm looking forward :3 <3