Thursday, August 28, 2014

Summer end~

Another convention is succesfully behind.
I'm gonna post later when I'll download all photos.
But for me it was one of most awesome ones.
Even that I still miss some... company was awesome!!!

Lately mornings start to be cold, don't you think?
Well...summer wasn't THAT hot after all, but still.
And the cold air and foggy mornings~

Fall came into our days...
I'll enjoy it as much as I can!
Since fall...I love fall.
Fall came into our days but not into our hearts~
In my heart it's like second spring during year...

I have some minor plans for this fall.
But first I have to manage new plan in work... (=___=")

Probably 3 days 15 hours every week...
I'm gonna die.

Also with new hair comming to my house
I realized there is no more room if it stays like this.
So lil reorganization.

And then I can start with everything.
I'll bring it to life and hope it'll survive!
So let's see!!!

Maybe you can call me happy
for many reasons.
But if you ask me directly...
I'll probably say
"I finally feel alive only~"
He's gonna be happy

But my lil Kitsunehito stayed in Prague
I already miss him.
But I think he's doing good. I wanna exchange with him (lol)

I think that for now that's all I probably wanted to write.
I should add some picture... and enjoy~

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Asagi's post

I just read it.
I cannot say I'm surprised
as well I cannot say I'm not surprised.

But I can understand him.
Every thing have it's time to end, leave, die.
Every moment have to end.
That's what makes things so precious to us.

Knowing the things will never end
we'll never enjoy a moment,
just put it further
"I'll do it later."
I'll enjoy this moment later.

You never will.

Yesterday was 9th of August.
I'll never stop regret I moved it to later.
It was great lesson in my life.

I don't wanna regret moving something to later
or not do something in the end.
I never wanna feel same regret.

You have to accept that everything have
time to end.
Even if it's your most favorite band.
Just be glad for the time you enjoyed them.
For the whiles they supported you.
For every single song.

No one still said D gonna end.
I'm not saying either.
Maybe he just feel sadness.
Since his beloved Minya which
 spend many years with him
passed not so long before, to me
it seemed he just pushed sadness away for moment.

When something you love
disappear, no one said you should not be sad.
I believe sadness and understanding 
are both important.
Without beying sad you'll not show
how much you it meant to you.

I should say I'm very happy he wrote this.
Since after he made his vampires totally immortal
and impossible to really kill,
I was afraid of him.
But now I'm way calmer.
I can see Asagi is wise man.

But also he should know
there is no reason to push things
to earlier end.

And I hope he know it.
After many many years...
Asagi was still able to get more of my respect
and honestly surprise me.

I'm proud of you.