Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Summer anime convention No.02 - ADVík 2014

So once again I decided to attend ADVík.
For the 5th time year.
Although I said it'll be last time, last year.

But I kept it in secret for nearly everyone.
I don't know exactly...
Maybe some kind of saving my nerves.
Everyone may ask about my Gakupo cosplay.
About presentations.
I don't know.

Kaori and her wings!

Of all 4 days I attend just 3 of them, 
but still I joined it.
Thursday I arrived to Ayame's house,
meet her mom and wish her safe trip, 
since she went off to weekend.

Till the night we practiced duet which
we should sang together.
Unfortunatelly Ayame's throath condition
went even worse so we didn't sing it at all.
Even worse thing was that for some reason
I didn't practiced my song enough.

As I heard record...
It wasn't THAT bad.
But Kaori is right.
I can do it BETTER!

But whole day started with.
"Thank you Ayame for waking me up for the
karaoke check and practice I should be there."
Now thinking about it...she wasn't even little bit sorry.
I think about it since she's still angry for one thing.
Thus I never was angry for this and I love singing and wanna be there.

No...I'm not that generous.
Thing is...I was able to get there even without it.
Even that it was obligate!
Sorry just a little thought...

Awesome Slovakian Rosiel!!! (*o*)

But That day I met many many people.
Some people again after some time.
Some people again after very long time!
Some people for first time!
But it seemed we all had fun!

Bunch of my slovakian friends I start to adore so much.
Cosplay of Trip came to me and was like.
"Hello! Do you remember me?"
"I have no clue who you're honestly!" (O.o)"
"Yui from Jupiter concert!"
" look totally different!"
She looked so awesome!!!

Hime first day I met her!!! (*o*)

Then I met hime and she was gorgeous as always!
Everyday in awesome gown~
I simply love her designs!
Love v(* ̄▽ ̄*)〃▽〃)Love 

 And then I met someone very interesting.
Immediatelly caught my eye.
Perfect for molesting!
( ̄~ ̄;)


(。_°☆\(- - ) バシっ!


Σ(゚∀´(┗┐ヽ(・∀・ )ノ 

~(>_<。)\ イタタ

I was kicked, beaten with a micro etc...
As always...most agressive prey at all con.
My secret ability!

Thus it usually means the most interesting
person there!!!
( ̄~ ̄;) 

Kent and Lena...oh...Lena and Kent!!! (^o^")

We went to the photoshooting following
Kent, Lena and Kyuu...
Was fun!!!
Kyuu did really great poses while photoshooting!!!
But as a photographer!!!
(Kyuu gonna kill me!!!)
( ̄▽ ̄)ノ_彡☆バンバン!!

I say nothing...rather! (OoO")

It followed even with me joined! >:D

I think I'm dead...Kyuu gonna kill me...

I should say something to defend me!
For these photos.
Yet I have feeling it'll make it even worse!
So I keep quiet...I'm not here!

But it all was fun.
Also during a day I met my friend which made
music themed presentation.
This time after another dissagreedment with rules
I decided to not take any.

Unfortunatelly he asked us for make him
spare program with playing at least some PVs!
Here came the problem!
I didn't have my HDD with me.
PC without internet,
withou wifi so I cannot share my cellphone internet.
Thanks god JR was here!!!
(my fav org from last year~)
 Came with USB and we saved it!!!

I got little bit angry since girl which had that presentation,
and cannot make it due her health state,
came to se spare program of HER PRESENTATION!
In cosplay...seriously?

Later I told her, what I think of it.
I'm not someone who just shut their mouth,
when I don't like something.

Especially when she didn't have another
of her presentation jsut next day.
But we already was prepared since 
friend asked me to make some presentation.
I made brand new Jupiter - Kamijo one. went little bit...uhm...wasn't perfect.
I had just a little info on paper...
and Ayame left it at home! 
(*__ _。)ノキミワノ ヽ``┼┐デスカ? 
You kidding me? (;A;) 

Hime another day, still gorgeous. I said that I make no presentations...
(And my mom remembered me I did yesterday! lol)
...I cannot say no, when I'm savior!!!
( ̄▽ ̄)ノ_彡☆バンバン!!'s already second day I'm talking about.
 To much themes one over other *sigh*
That day I went as a Gakupo that day.
Some friends said they go as well.
And I took that "Samurai version"

There I have to say that Ayame
did really good job with my make up!
I really liked my angry eyebrow
 "Hey you look so angry today! What's up!"
"It's just way my eyebrow is delineated!"

Also my "hunt" continued.
But I was honestly little bit dissapointed
when heard that it's last day my prey was there.
Okay...maybe little bit more.
(_ _|||) 

I don't like when it don't goes 
according to my plans!
Yet I don't think it end up bad at all.

Chrome Hearts lady Munamu...with garbage! >:D

I met Munamu after very long time!
She looked great with pink hair!
And my BFF Maki!!! (lol)
 I still don't get why we while sitting don't and talking
still talked about work!
 We grew toooooo old!

Also Munamu's throat condition wasn't very good.
Whe have long termed problems with it,
poor thing.
So I offered her to send me her presentation for Mejibray
and I will just read it.
 We told it to the music part org as before.
Everything seemed okay.

We again went photoshooting with
same crew!
Holding photographer on arms?

It wasn't really that easy (=___='')
Kyuu's platforms was really heavy!
No, really...just my wig, kimoo and platforms...
Not really perfect for such a thing, but I did it!!!
It was thing about my pride!!!

But it was still "Don't tremble!" (=___=")
"Put your sleeve away!" (=___=")
"Don't move!" (=___=")
"Stay still!" (=___=")

And then others told me 


You see this?! Not even smile! Why laugh on MY back?

Later we just talk a lot and I had fun.
It have lot to do with the previous post.
So no need to write more.

And yes I made Ayame angry.
I have to admit I care less and less as I write all this.
We got Aiko and Kaori to sleepover at Ayame's.
Wasn't that fun as it should be.
Ayame angry on me, should make presentation
that she should already have, since got
months of time for it!!!
Also we should create dolly kei outfit
for fashion walk for my other friend.
Lot of her models excused themselves.

Ayame's selfie with Kyuu...I wonder where is mine! (=__=')
And here again I'm gonna be killed!
I should defend myself, but still...
...oh no! Kyuu have such a cute smile when showing teeth!!! (;A;)
Kyuu you're very kyuute!

Please forgive me! (TT^TT)

But she just sit there and play videos of Nu'est
to those two poor things.
I told her every 5 minutes that she said
we'll make outfit and then finished presentation,
not play damn videos.

Later at least Kaori seemed to have happy while
with two Ayame's kittens.
And me and Aiko laughed hard about
vk pictures and Gackt's video with Kiryu Shou!

Also even before we came home I was like.
"Let's check Munamu's presentation!"
There was NOTHING!!! on my mail.
Called her.
Wrote her.
No response.
At morning also.
Of course I was p*ssed.

Ayame forced me to at least download some videos.
At morning I got bad mood.
Because of the presentation.
And then also because of her whinning.
 Self pitting.
I screwed her, really.
I cannot hold it in me anymore.

Finally arrived to place.
Went for the fashion walk check.
Waited there.
Try to get in touch with Munamu whom wrote me.
"I'm sorry I felt asleep!"

But message from Kyuu made me calmer...
...till while I went to Ayame tell her
"Please say to Ayame..." part.

No...really...she got me again.
I got angry again, wanted to tell her something.
Then I just waved my hand and walked away.
That was morning without Ayame.
After those two days so peacefull.

I spend it with hime at her workshop.
I was her folding fan,
went for food and drink for Kent, Lena and some others
who attend.
Hime said she's not hungry.
But I brought her curry.
I knew she loved me at that while!!!
( ̄▽ ̄)ノ_彡☆バンバン!!

Even with quote:
"Some young blond aristocrat send you this."
(since I got still Gakupo wig XD)
It was really so nice and calm.
Saved another people presentation since I lend them
my HDD so they can move it from notebook to PC.

And I found mirror at workshop class!!! >:D

In the end I didn't got Munamu's presentation.
She wrote something about "Cannot be send." 
Or something.
Plan B...or D? dunno
Which of my presentation I can use and don't need to change it?! way!
Fifth year in row! Kill me please.
Kaya, changes...everything neede changes.

Of course!
My nearly legendary...two times presented!!!
(or three?)
Visual Kei styles!
I'll do this!!!
*heavenly radiance everywhere*


Luckily I had...I think last year version
So never PVs etc.
I did it!!!
I still remembered everything as it went one by one!
I thought I'll cry in happiness.
Okay I forgot two or three things!
Minor ones.
But I remembered later!
And also it was two hours presentation...
I put into one only!!!
*tears of happiness*

But my audience was awesome.
I was glad they came even 
that it was announced just 2-3 hours before!

Also one boy came to me
asked me if there is presentation
 for downloading somewhere. 
Since I do minimalistic presentations
with just few text and pictures.
 So I promised him to write it on his mail.
But I heard more people
will like to have it.
So I think about make it here on blog online.
Both English and Czech.
So it'll take me some time maybe.

Fane came to see us even before fashion walk
and our presentations.
And after everything we made

ウィーッ へ(( ̄ー ̄*))))....〜〜((((* ̄ー ̄))ノ ヒック

I still owe you Paris post and rock festival one.
Week of working is comming.
And just month till next convention.
But somehow I feel like I gained new power!


I do not promise you anything!
But I hope I can do it!!!


Sunday, July 27, 2014


I met and spend last two days with very interesting person.
I still have to laugh.

Meanwhile we tried to get more about "it"...
...I already knew a lot.
Okay lot of it I found out while talking.
Like reading more in what "it" didn't tell
than what "it" said.

But lying me from first while...
...I already knew!
I nod but I didn't doubt.

Last time I heard question:
"Are you gonna teach me how to rule the world?"
Now I have a question for "it":
"Are YOU gonna teach me how to rule the world?"

Next time I own you very deep bow.
Reading all what was written.
You're really master.
Way greater than me.
Way more awesome.

Maybe it's just that you forgot.
I can live with it,
since now it's now.
And it still gonna be cool.

Dunno if you'll read.
Maybe I hope a little.


Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Simply nonsense

Finally I feel little bit refreshed and relaxed.
Yet not so much time now for Paris post.
But I still think about it!!!

Now I have to go cook something for lunch.
I still redo my FB somehow...
Deleting photos, adding photos, adding life experience (soon)

Actually yesterday I lost my mind again.
Over the petshop of horrors again.
But it's not really surprising.
It's my most favorite manga!

Let's make FB check for few posts.
Dunno why (lol)
I'll pic something from my spammed wall!

Today before 20minutes:
"I really need to reorganize my CD collection...because Kamijo always comes in 3pieces and it's nearly time... =___=" "

Finally done!

Circa hour before:
"The power of name is incredible XDDD
When you name your cellphone after'll act like a dork.
But after renaming he looks like act normal OoO


Circa 10hours before:
How I should lost weight to cosplay D and then stay in the roleplay when he still eats the sweets? (=____=") "

Circa 13hours before:
"I have strange feeling that I wanna do too much cosplays from one manga... Oo"

16hours before: 
"Oh no!!! TODAY IS BASTILLE DAY!!! ∑(O_O;)"

16hours before:
Okay...try to pull it from other side.
Can I ask you to write one number from 1-11.
The more people gonna do, the more I'll be....let's call it happy."

This is how I decide which song to sing in karaoke competition! (lol)

Yesterday morning (noon):
"You want me to work right when I wake up?
You better bring me cup of warm tea at the morning when I get up...or noon....on when ever lol"

I think that's all...
I mean it's not all!
It's more spammed...look at the dates and you can imagine!

I'm off to cook lunch~

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Paris Mission No. 03 - 01 day

Day before yesterday I got back from Paris.
And tomorrow (this) morning I leave for another 4 days.
This time way closer.
To the rock festival with dad.

But those 4 days in Paris were cool.
Okay...not...they're really hot,
except the last day when it rained.
Kitsunehito's selfie from bus lol

But it was...actually it was kinda strange.
I was there for the third time.
And somehow...maybe I expected too much from it.
To be same free and awesome like before.
But even like this in some twisted way I enjoyed it.

Just random photo from some town we went through

First...the way there....was totally terrible! charger and my cell died.
It was uncomfortable.
And when we arrived to Paris it was so damn hot!
We need to get to hotel.
But our reservation was just a day later.
Since no F1 got place all our dates.

So after hour and half of searching and asking for way
we finally got there...and it was full.
"But you can go to the other one in St. Denis."
"Okay, which way?"
"Go straight, just 15 minutes."
I knew it's not far...

we went another hour in terrible hot weather.
_| ̄|○
Searching for that damn hotel.
We found it...bathing in sweat.
I was blessing person who invented shower!
:;:;:;;:;;:;:;:;;(´▽`;A):;:;:;;:;;:;:;:;; '`ァ〜♪

Our first room

It may be around 5-6p.m.
(and we arrived at 2p.m.)
But still we went to city at evening.
It's summer and sun going down late,
so we enjoyed city for another several hours.

Arrived to Louvre~

Walking on Champs-Élysées,
Went to see Louvre, Opéra Garnier
(My favorite spot in Paris)
Looked where the club from Kamijo's concert is.
(unsuccessfully lol)
( -∇-)

Park infront of Louvre, I bet it's called...something gardens Oo"

And there came funny thing from this day.
(as from everyday later)
In Paris I heard guy shouting many things to me.
It was interesting,
but thing happened this day was somehow...
maybe most shocking.
In Paris live many people with the black skin,
(can I say afroamericans when it's Europe? Oo)
And somehow happened that that day
I wore long white toptank,
I'm blond and kinda pale and sudenly 
some black men spoke to me: "Hey, Vanilla!"
I was totally stunned!
This never happened to me and after first shock
of hearing something like this I wanted to laugh.

Arc de Triomphe

And I got way better with parisian metro.
At first time being there we're like:
"Are we going right direction?"
"Yes, let's go!"
-Two stops later-
"No...we're wrong!"

Under the Arc de Triomphe

From second time I don't remember,
maybe since I were there alone.
But this time didn't happen!


Listen Kaya's Les Champs-Elyseés
 at Champs-Elysées lol

Well...I think first day should be enought for now.
At all I should go sleep, since we're going away early.
I hope I'll be able to write all days,
but you know me...

Entrance of the park at sunset (we got back same way)

Unfortunatelly when I try to write through app at cell
it nearly never get published and I cannot
 attach photos (=___=")
But today I installed it again so I'll try it later
(btw that's even why sometimes I don't write
I write on cell, it don't publish itself and then I'm angry
and just donw write!)

And my beloved Opéra Garnier
So now...I go sleep
Good night~
