Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Simply nonsense

Finally I feel little bit refreshed and relaxed.
Yet not so much time now for Paris post.
But I still think about it!!!

Now I have to go cook something for lunch.
I still redo my FB somehow...
Deleting photos, adding photos, adding life experience (soon)

Actually yesterday I lost my mind again.
Over the petshop of horrors again.
But it's not really surprising.
It's my most favorite manga!

Let's make FB check for few posts.
Dunno why (lol)
I'll pic something from my spammed wall!

Today before 20minutes:
"I really need to reorganize my CD collection...because Kamijo always comes in 3pieces and it's nearly time... =___=" "

Finally done!

Circa hour before:
"The power of name is incredible XDDD
When you name your cellphone after dork...it'll act like a dork.
But after renaming he looks like act normal OoO


Circa 10hours before:
How I should lost weight to cosplay D and then stay in the roleplay when he still eats the sweets? (=____=") "

Circa 13hours before:
"I have strange feeling that I wanna do too much cosplays from one manga... Oo"

16hours before: 
"Oh no!!! TODAY IS BASTILLE DAY!!! ∑(O_O;)"

16hours before:
Okay...try to pull it from other side.
Can I ask you to write one number from 1-11.
The more people gonna do, the more I'll be....let's call it happy."

This is how I decide which song to sing in karaoke competition! (lol)

Yesterday morning (noon):
"You want me to work right when I wake up?
You better bring me cup of warm tea at the morning when I get up...or noon....on when ever lol"

I think that's all...
I mean it's not all!
It's more spammed...look at the dates and you can imagine!

I'm off to cook lunch~

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