Monday, March 31, 2014

Berlin visit day 3

Hey guys!
For the few days now I'm in Germany.
Berlin to be specific.

Actually I have post for blog from Friday.
Little's on my cell phone and I lost connection slightly before I was able to send it.
But I think you'll be surprised by that one a little.

For now like yesteday we got friend's celebration.
Somehow I feel like a total idiot.
Lot of germans and I don't really talk and just understand.
But I tried to be relaxed, calm and nice.
It was hard so that's why I drank a little.

Not so much, just as much to be possitive and don't have to say anything even when I really wanted.
I wanted to say what's on my mind.
And probably not even only on my mind how I found out.'s not my life.

Speaking about my's totally wasted.
Not like finally at 2am her's girlfriend wanna talk with sleepingover friend...
In same room as I stayed~
Yet...I still stay calm and said nothing, even beying really tired later.
I went to my bed, say good night and it's okay they can talk...
YES! Testing guys, testing! enought respect.
So no respect from me as well.
Why should I?
Because I'm better.
I'm...and also I first try before I just got mad and act like a....awww not words I use.

Lately (means one-two days back) I really act like a aristocrat.
It's're gentleman, you're not complaining. Say nothing.

I tried to not get to ealier thoughts about "How it gonna be"
But...fanfares please, my favorite sentence comming
"I knew it!"

I think rather should this be all.
Or in the end it gonna end up wrong.

Hey for later I wanna at least post some pictures.
Since things happens, but I'm lazy.
As always I can tell you many reasons and promise many things.
But why?
If everything gonna work you'll see yourself.

Good night I'm off to pigg live new quest.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Wa lolita project I

How about finally
release my last design?

I mean the one I finished before half year nearly.

It was first part of my own project.

But about say somethign about projet first?

For me who started with wa lolita,
and become to love that style,
was very painful to see that it don't have so many fans.

Okay...this wasn't totally true reason.
At the summer con, there was lolita fashion show.
I better say nothing more since it was totally screwed.

But there wasn't wa lolita.
It'll not be that strange,
if that leader after my question will not say
"I don't know any and it's not popular."

We did photoshoot for magazine together.
I was wa lolita...and she know it.
And "not popular" you should read as "No brand sew it."

That's only problem.
It's still in lolita fashion, but not in.
Is it reason to not have it at fashion show
which introduce people lolita styles?

But some my other friends
I spoke with about this encourages me.
They find wa lolita as beautiful style
which they wanna see more.

Little bit funny thing is that none of them never wore it.
They have brands,
hime lolita,
pirate lolita
everything fashionable.

 But this should be more about their support than anything else.

But with see what's popular gave me idea.
Hime, pirate, sweet...
All of these CAN BE wa lolita as well!

Sure if you're so called "brand whore" it's low chance you'll be wa lolita.
I have nothing against them.
But I find them kinda sad.
Yes, maybe I'm little bit jealous.
I don't have so much money.
But till now I found many unique details and interesting ideas
in the non brand outfits and pieces.
(that doesn't mean brand don't have any! I never said that!)

 Brand gives you many things.
You may feel important, high, fashionable.
 I have really nothing against it.
If it's same feeling like when I have finally proper petticoat, it will be awesome.
And everyone should try it.

But non brand have some kind of freedom for me.
More chances to combine something.
It's more free for me.

But stop this, back to the project.
Even that my friends like wa lolita 
(and I hope not only because they feel pity to me lol)
and they do nothing other than support me only,
I decided to find it enought for came with project.

You don't agree with something?
Do something with it!

That's what I decided to do.

Now came to my mind that I should first do something like light introduction about wa lolita.
And yes you know it'll mean other delays.
But since now I lie in bed, because my head spin, caused by a low pressure, maybe I'll not be lazy like everytime and do it now for post it later!

Let's hope.
But I don't want this be blog like
"Welcome I'll introduce you some lolita fashion."
Deal with it that this gonna be still my blog.
About me, pigg and music as well.

Because at all...I'm not taken as lolita by community.
(somehow don't know if I should celebrate or mourning lol)

Somehow now this post looks like it's about nothing.
But on other side I see it as a good intro.
Now you know there is some Wa lolita project.
Haha...let's wait for rest?

Here is somehow releated picture.
Some of my designs.
The lower are mostly concert outfits.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Symphony of the vampire

He's totally awesome, isn't he?

Half hour which I totally enjoyed and finally something what is not waste of time.
Costumes were totaly awesome, Anzi was totally awesome.
And Kamijo was...I guess even more awesome than normally.

I already listened those songs many times before...and Dying-table got me so much.
What he did there...simply perfect.
That was that breaking element which made it special.

Actually the Symphony of the vampire will be most probably only album I listen not on random mix.
Guess why.

I have to say I waited for perfect Kamijo.
And for me what I did was even more.

Nearly cried while end when Throne played.
After Dying-table it should be my next favorite.
But even having different name, since it's symphony I don't think I can part it.

Dear Kamijo,
You did awesome work writing symphony.
It's amazing!
And you did damn awesome work make it whole in PV.
I should bow infront of you next time.
Have to say we came long way since time I hated you.
And I aknowledge you so much.
You worked hard.

PS. And Kamijo in white totally won my heart!!!


Sunday, March 9, 2014

Pancakes ~

Soon I'll leave my friend's house I came to visit.
Visiting capital and some people there.
Celebrating my birthday with them.
Right now with Kaori we makes pancakes.
Yesterday's breakfast was waffles with strawberries and today pancakes.
Soon it'll be done.
Awww... I'm so hungry after all night karaoke party hard.

EDIT: Some photos~